Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño (Breña, Perú)
Thank you Letter from the National Institute for Children´s Health
Church Nuestra Señora de la Reconciliacion (Lima, Peru)
“Dear Friends:
I hereby want to thank Accion Marista from the bottom of my heart for the generous donation of non-perishable food for the Community Kitchens of our brothers in Manchay, who live in extreme poverty, and are suffering especially during this time of pandemic, due to lack of work... with my blessing,”
Father Rivva
Asociación Por Eso! Perú
“…thank you Accion Marista for the generosity of the people who made this contribution possible to benefit the victims of the Pachamachay y Cochacochayoc cummunities in the Andes at 11,000… feet above sea level.“
Simone Heemskerk, Program Director
Carmelitas Church (Lima Peru)
Dear brothers and sisters,
...It was a gift from God to hear of Accion Marista because as a parish we had started a food aid project "Carmelite Solidarity: help us to help…
We are currently helping ten community kitchens located in the outskirts of Lima - Peru… where we have a Carmelite parish and there are Carmelite nuns who are in charge of distributing the food.
Brothers and sisters, I want to thank you on behalf of so many people who write and appreciate gestures of solidarity… May God bless you and the Virgen del Carmen protect you. Amen.”
Father Enrique
Casa Hogar for cancer patients Jesus, Maria y Jose
…”we are thankful for Acción Marista’s generosity and support of the COVID-19 victims, specially during this sad hard times”... May God Bless you and your families.