Reach out to people in need with Acción Marista

Christmas is forever—not just for one day. For loving, sharing, and giving are not to put away

Christmas Planning

The Christmas campaign has started and we are asking for your kind donations for people in need in the US, Mexico and Perú. The well known peruvian artist, Fernando Guembes, kindly offered Accion Marista digital copies, from the original, of his work to sale at US$120.00 each. A percentage of the money collected from the sale will be given to Accion Marista for Christmas Donations.

If you are interested in any of the pieces below, please click on the BUY button below and write the reference number of the artwork in the message.


Artwork Ref #1

Artwork Ref #4

Artwork Ref #9


Artwork Ref #2

Artwork Ref #5

Artwork Ref #7

Artwork Ref #10


Artwork Ref #3

Artwork Ref #6

Artwork Ref #8

Artwork Ref #11

As we mentioned before, we are planning the christmas campaign, we urgently need cash donations to organize food, medical equipment and toys to people in need in the US, Peru and Mexico during Christmas, Thank you kindly.



We believe as Christians that it is our moral duty to help others regardless of whether they are in the United States or not. We are currently helping nonprofit organizations in Peru, Mexico, and the United States by providing emergency food, supplies, medicine, and medical equipment. 




We envision the day where we can move from being an emergency response group to a proactive nonprofit, capable of designing and executing major programs in education, labor, and self-sustainability in low-income communities in Latin America.


We look forward to encouraging the communities’ that we serve today to become self-sustained tomorrow, by supporting their own efforts with compassion and brotherly love.


Accion Marista responded to the crisis in Peru by organizing ourselves, following in our christian beliefs that we must help those in need in times of pandemic and food shortages. 

We have provided for, and continue to support, catholic churches’ soup-kitchens programs, the National Association for the Blind in Peru, emergency shelters for patients of cancer, orphanages, and much more.

Fortunately, the pandemic deadly numbers have finally started to go down.  Unfortunately, however, the economic crisis that has affected millions of people in Latin America is far from over.  Please support our efforts by donating today! 



Accion Marista was created, exclusively, as an emergency response program to the coronavirus pandemic to bring immediate food aid and medical supplies to people in need in Latin America, specifically Peru and Mexico.  This expansion of the work of HOST, contributed with over 150,000 meals in Peru, as well as numerous gas stoves, food and supplies to those in dire need.

It is our hope to continue to be pro-active, and eventually transition from an emergency response program to one where we can contribute actively to the development of young people in Latin America.  We envision our American college students developing an exchange program with college students in other parts of the world to jointly find ways to make this a better world where social justice is not a dream but a reality.